🗓 11 May 2022

Wildcard Week: Robotics

In the wildcard week, we learned about robotics and how the robotic arm works. The three main functions of a robtoic arm are laser cutting, 3D printing, and CNC milling. Robotic arms are mostly 6 axis but can be 5 to 9, depending on the rotation of the surface which could add 3 more additional axis. The arms locate planes instead of points in space. Which is something we must consider when creating a file in Grasshopper and Rhino. We are able to control th parameters of speed, approximation, input/outputs, and repeatability. Approximation is when a point get acknowledged of being reached. Smaller is more accurate. Repeatability refers to the robots ability to repeat the same motion thousands of times, while not offsetting from the first position.

Assignment: I used to robotic arm to test print with clay. I wanted to learn the process of setting up and using the arm, and also experiment with the process of printing clay and on a revolving wheel which I would interact with at the same time. I imagined being able to control the speed and direction of the wheel, creating variations in form, while the robot was moving in a consistent circle, printing the clay. Pippa was printing with the arm as well, so we went through the set-up process toghether. We used a grasshopper code and plugin which allowed us to load the robotic arm (the model which IaaC owned), and set up my simple cylindrical form. Since the robot recognizes planes, we had to change the locations and planes so it was within reach and roatation of the arm. Once we got the code set up, Eduardo taught us how to calibrate the arm using points on the table and operate the arm using the controller. Finally, we loaded the g-code into the robotic arm and tested the printing. In my g-code I had set the z-axis too high above the table, which made the string of clay very loose as it reached the table. The experiment didn't turn out the way I imagined, but since I had limited time with the robot, I took it as a learning lesson for the next round.